
There is no denying the fact that Bhutan is a bucket list destination for tourists around the world.  Bhutan has lots to offer, ranging from its natural beauty to its harmonious citizens. You will be surprised how people live in this country located far in the Himalayas.
Bhutan is a country of rich history and cultural heritage, and the best way to immerse yourself in her undisturbed culture is to visit the beautiful museums in Bhutan.   
Best of Bhutan - Monasteries and best blogs about them, read on Norbu Bhutan. Discover interesting monasteries in Bhutan.
This Buddhist Kingdom, the most pampered child of the Himalayas' eastern side, is full of mystery & spirituality that is out of this world.
The Kingdom of Bhutan is one of the most enigmatic destinations globally and is a remote country hidden in the Himalayas.
With snow falling on the mountains, winter in Bhutan is an amazing experience. We offer tours that include guide services, lodging and dining by our own in-house cooks.